reading skills

Because good reading skills will improve your overall English language skills let me tell you
how you can improve your reading. Did you know reading affects our ability to learn a


  • Reading can improve your vocabulary
    Studies show that reading receptive vocabulary this are words that you might not
    necessarily be able to produce, but you can recognize them and understand them when you read them in a text. Studies have also shown that vocabulary is most important when learning a new language.
  • Observing the text you can improve your grammar
    Basically your grammar improves when you’re paying attention to what you’re
    reading and follow the patterns of the text. This will enhance other skills, such as
    writing, or speaking, and it’s specially important if you’re trying to learn English for
    academic or business purposes.
    4 four ways to improve your reading skills
    ● Read and read as much as possible. There are si many things you can read
    in English: books, magazines, articles, newspapers, etc. My advice to you is
    read something you like. Whatever it is you’re reading, read it more than
    ● Check your comprehension
    Sure you read something, but how much do you understand it? Well, for
    example, if you are reading an academic article, you can write down the main
    idea of each paragraph then when you are done reading you have a summary
    of the entire article or if you’re reading a storybook, check your
    comprehension by paraphrasing what you’ve read.
    ● Read at the right speed
    Let your hand be your guide pit you finger on the text and move it along as
    you read. This will help you find the right speed for you that will maximize your
    comprehension. If you are looking for challenge there are many speed
    reading exercises online.
    ● Interact and engage with the text
    Ask questions about what you are reading, just like you would ask to another person.
    For example, before you read you might ask:
    Who is the main character?
    When do these events take place?
    Then looks for the answers while you read. If you are and advanced English learner, think of questions with more substance.
    What is the author trying to tell you?
    Does he/she make compelling points?
    Does the author show any bias?
    When you interact with the text you will become a better, more efficient reader.
    I hope you find these suggestions helpful. Enjoy reading 🙂

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